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Pb de desinsciption


en raison de l'activité relativement important de la liste j'ai decidé de changer d'adresse email et donc de me desinscrire de l'adresse yoann.moulin@ifrance.com mais voila ce que le bot me dit quand je lui envoie la confirmation de desincription.

si quelqu'un peut m'aider ca m'aiderai vraiment beaucoup


debian-user-french-request@lists.debian.org wrote:

You have not been removed, I couldn't find your name on the list.
What I did find were the following approximate matches:

825 debian-yoann@ifrance.com           20114 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
89 debian@ifrance.com                 17821 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
456 cnau@ifrance.com                   17320 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
592 cbaillon@ifrance.com               16607 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
219 tuxbe@ifrance.com                  16380 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
586 aledoux@ifrance.com                15738 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
124 mmenal@ifrance.com                 15655 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com
418 bascos@ifrance.com                 15655 yoann.moulin@ifrance.com

If you recognise one of these addresses as being the one you
wanted to unsubscribe, send in a new unsubscribe request
containing the text:  unsubscribe the_address_you_meant.

If this wasn't your intention or you are having problems getting yourself
unsubscribed, reply to this mail now (quoting it entirely (for diagnostic
purposes), and of course adding any comments you see fit).

If you see below an automated text with a reason like bounced messages,
please just resubscribe to the lists you want to be on  when the
mail problems which resulted in the forced unsubscription by
the listmasters are solved.

Transcript of unsubscription request follows:

Le jongleur comme le programmeur manipule des objets qui, au premier abord, semblent complexes et difficiles à maîtriser. Certains, à force de temps et de patience, arrivent à maîtriser l un ou l autre ou les deux en même temps et la ils prennent conscience du travail effectué.

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