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Re: Bitte um Grafikkarten-Tipp

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, Goran Ristic wrote:

> (Und dann kauf ich mir vielleicht auch eine. *SCNR! ) :]
Es mag ja sein, daß Nvidia derzeit die besten Graphik-Chips herstellt,
aber daß sie eine vertrakte Lizens-Politi bei den Treibern haben, wißt
Ihr hoffentlich auch.

Ich hänge einfach mal die Mail an, die ich diesbezüglich an Nvidia
geschrieben habe.  Vielleicht tut der eine oder andere etwas ähnliches,
um den Leuten ein Umdenken zu erleichtern.

Viele Grüße



the license of your XFree4.0 driver prohibits distribution by Debian
GNU/Linux.  To quote from your site

   Files for download and the FAQ

   The files below require a fair amount of steps to get them fully
   installed. You should refer to the updated Build (0.9-5)FAQ for
   full installation instructions, as well as help with getting some
   common apps up and running. You can download the files via HTTP or

   Files via HTTP

   In order to run these new drivers, you need one pair of files,
   below. Download the appropriate pair of files and read the FAQ for
   how to get them installed.  NOTE: By downloading these files, you
   agree to the license agreement above.

You could easily help unexperienced users out of this trouble, if the
driver could be shipped with distributions like Debian GNU/Linux and
all the FAQ stuff could be implemented just into a Debian package of
the driver which would reduce the effort of installation to a plain

    apt-get install <nvidia-driver-package>

and updates to the latest version could be done using the normal
Debian update mechanism

    apt-get update; apt-get upgrade

to get the complete system up to date.

I can not spend the effort to maintain each single machine in our
production system by hand and so I have to decide for another graphics
hardware.  That´s a pity because in general I consider to be Nvidia
products as good hardware but the time consuming maintainance is
inacceptable for me.

I would like to see it if you could overwork your license in this way
that the driver could be shipped with Debian.  Because I´m not a legal
expert you could possibly contact debian-legal@debian.org.

Kind regards

          Andreas Tille.

Debian developer

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