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[Debian]: korganizer

Ich habe korganizer gepackt. Wer es downloaden will findet es in


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Time Planer for the KDE Desktop

 KOrganizer aims to be a complete program for organizing your
 appointments, contacts, projects, etc.  It is in the same spirit as
 similar programs like the now ubiquitous Microsoft Outlook, Starfish
 Internet Sidekick, Time & Chaos, etc. (all for the Microsoft Windows
 platform, of course.)  Best of all, It reads and writes the vCalendar
 file format NATIVELY (please see http://www.imc.org/pdi for more
 information), which is now an industry-wide personal data interchange
 format.  Because of this, you should be able to move from other modern
 PIMs to KOrganizer with relative ease.  Current users of the popular
 program ical should definitely take a look at KOrganizer and compare
 features. More information is available at
Rainer Dorsch
Abt. Rechnerarchitektur  e-mail:rainer.dorsch@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Uni Stuttgart            Tel.: 0711-7816-215

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