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Re: Una de shell scripting

Jo personalment prefereixo fer servir
M=$(echo|sed s/món/gent/)
Els accents oberts es veuen poc

Ara bash permet simplificar lo anterior
proba M=${M/món/gent}

              The  pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in pathname expan‐
              sion.  Parameter is expanded and the longest match  of  pattern  against
              its  value  is  replaced  with  string.   If Ipattern begins with /, all
              matches of pattern are replaced with string.  Normally  only  the  first
              match  is  replaced.   If  pattern  begins  with #, it must match at the
              beginning of the expanded value of parameter.  If pattern begins with %,
              it  must match at the end of the expanded value of parameter.  If string
              is null, matches of pattern are deleted and the / following pattern  may
              be  omitted.   If  parameter  is  @  or *, the substitution operation is
              applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expansion  is  the
              resultant list.  If parameter is an array variable subscripted with @ or
              *, the substitution operation is applied to each member of the array  in
              turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974
e-mail: pere@nubiola.cat

2009/8/22 Salvador Muntane Sanegre <salvadormuntane@gmail.com>
El ds 22 de 08 de 2009 a les 00:44 +0200, en/na Pau Climent i Pérez va
> Vinga valents:
> Imaginem que declarem una variable M:
> $ M="hola món"
> $ echo $M
> hello world
> Ara tenim M declarada, i volem eliminar-li les aparicions de "món" per
> afegir-hi, posem per exemple "gent".
> Com faríeu això?
> Jo pensava fer servir sed:
> $ echo $M | sed s/món/gent/
> però ara com assigne el resultat a la variable M?
> M'explique?
> Pau.

Hola Pau,

No si vols dir això:

export M=`echo $M | sed s/món/gent/`



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