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Re: Gphoto2: Could not claim the USB device


crec que el problema que tens està relacionat amb la manera com hotplug
tracta els dispositius que hi vas afegint. cada vegada que endolles la
càmera ell crea un directori de nom aleatori on ell gestiona el
dispositiu. llavors el que s'ha de fer és un petit script que doni
permisos sobre aquest directori, aquests scripts es fican a

hauries de crear un grup usb (si no el tens ja) i afegir-hi els usuaris
que vulguis que puguin accedir a la càmera. després crea aquest script:


# http://www.gphoto.org/doc/manual/permissions-usb.html 
# afegeix el grup usb si no existeix!!! 
case $ACTION in
                if [ "${ACTION}" = "add" ] && [ -f "${DEVICE}" ]
                        chgrp usb "${DEVICE}"
                        chmod g+rw "${DEVICE}"
                echo "camara endollada"
                ogg123 /home/muzzol/confs/sons/on01.ogg
                echo "camera desendollada"
                ogg123 /home/muzzol/confs/sons/off.ogg


el deses com a usbcam al directori que he dit abans. pots comentar o
canviar el so, jo ho trobo bastant útil perqué així saps si realment ha
pillat la càmera o no. una vegada fet això no hauries de tenir cap

fins ara


Quim Gil, vares dir:

>He provat de resoldre això amb l'extensa documentació de gphoto.org, 
>però res. A veure si alguna ànima caritativa d'aquesta llista...
>- Tinc gphoto i gtkam en les sevs versions d'unstable.
>- Tinc una càmera digital Sony Cybershot DSC-P31 que figura entre les 
>càmeres reconegudes per Gphoto.
>- Tinc el mòdul usb-storage muntat i el paquet hotplug instal·lat.
>Si obro amb Gtkam d'entrada no em surt res. Vaig a "add camera", faig 
>autodetect i gairebé me la troba (diu que tinc una Sony DSC-F707V) però 
>tant si selecciono aquesta com el meu model diu que "Could not 
>initialize camera".
>Llavors vaig a la consola seguint els passos recomanats a les FAQ de 
>1. Fent "gphoto2 --list-ports" troba l'usb.
>2. Fent l'autodetect troba una càmera:
>qgil@tort:~$ gphoto2 --auto-detect
>Model                          Port
>Sony DSC-F707V (PTP mode)      usb:
>3. Fent --summary o --list-files surt l'error 'Could not claim the USB 
>device'  (adjunto al final missatges amb debug).
>4. Vaig a 
>http://www.gphoto.org/doc/manual/FAQ.html#FAQ-could-not-claim-USB i 
>d'allà a http://www.gphoto.org/doc/manual/permissions-usb.html per a 
>veure si sóc capaç de veure què falla amb els permisos però la resposta 
>que em trobo ve a dir que si he instal·lat un paquet pre-built i/o 
>utilitzo hotplug això dels permisos ja estarà configurat. I no és el
>A veure si això té solució, que fins ara feia la trampa descarregant les 
>fotos al WinXP però ara que es veu que me l'he carregat...  :)
>PS: els debug
>qgil@tort:~$ gphoto2 --list-files
>*** Error ***
>An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): 
>Could not claim interface 0 (L'operació no és permesa). Make sure no 
>other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or stv680) is using the 
>device and you have read/write access to the device.
>*** Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device') ***
>For debugging messages, please use the --debug option.
>Debugging messages may help finding a solution to your problem.
>If you intend to send any error or debug messages to the gphoto
>developer mailing list <gphoto-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>, please run
>gphoto2 as follows:
>     env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --list-files
>Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments.
>qgil@tort:~$ env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --list-files
>0.000438 main(2): gphoto2 2.1.4
>0.000530 main(2): gphoto2 has been compiled with the following options:
>0.000619 main(2):  + gcc (C compiler used)
>0.000706 main(2):  + no popt (for handling command-line parameters)
>0.000821 main(2):  + exif (for displaying EXIF information)
>0.000910 main(2):  + cdk (for accessing configuration options)
>0.000997 main(2):  + no aa (for displaying live previews)
>0.001085 main(2):  + jpeg (for displaying live previews in JPEG format)
>0.001172 main(2):  + readline (for easy navigation in the shell)
>0.001272 main(2): libgphoto2 2.1.4
>0.054676 main(2): libgphoto2 has been compiled with the following
>options: 0.054807 main(2):  + gcc (C compiler used)
>0.054899 main(2):  + EXIF (for special handling of EXIF files)
>0.054988 main(2):  + no ltdl (working around buggy libltdl, eh? :-)
>0.055077 main(2):  + /proc/meminfo (adapts cache size to memory
>available) 0.055210 main(2): libgphoto2_port 0.5.1
>0.055301 main(2): libgphoto2_port has been compiled with the following 
>0.055389 main(2):  + gcc (C compiler used)
>0.055477 main(2):  + USB (for USB cameras)
>0.113981 main(2):  + serial (for serial cameras)
>0.114226 main(2):  + no resmgr (serial port access and locking)
>0.114316 main(2):  + no baudboy (serial port locking)
>0.114404 main(2):  + no ttylock (serial port locking)
>0.114491 main(2):  + no lockdev (serial port locking)
>0.114579 main(2):  + no ltdl (working around buggy libltdl, eh? :-)
>0.114677 foreach(2): Executing action 'List Files' for folder '/'.
>0.171704 gphoto2-camera(2): Listing files in '/'...
>0.172165 gphoto2-camera(2): Initializing camera...
>0.172294 gphoto2-port-usb(1): Looking for USB device (vendor 0x54c, 
>product 0x4e)... found.
>0.172398 gphoto2-port-usb(1): Detected defaults: config 1, interface 0, 
>altsetting 0, inep 82, outep 01, intep 83, class 06, subclass 01
>0.172495 gphoto2-camera(2): Loading 
>0.173096 gphoto2-port(2): Opening USB port...
>0.227459 gphoto2-port(0): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not 
>permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or 
>stv680) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
>0.227888 context(0): An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not 
>claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not 
>permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or 
>stv680) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
>*** Error ***
>An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): 
>Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted). Make sure no 
>other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or stv680) is using the 
>device and you have read/write access to the device.
>*** Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device') ***
>For debugging messages, please use the --debug option.
>Debugging messages may help finding a solution to your problem.
>If you intend to send any error or debug messages to the gphoto
>developer mailing list <gphoto-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>, please run
>gphoto2 as follows:
>     env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --debug --list-files
>Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments.
>0.286290 gp-camera(2): Freeing camera...
>0.286439 gphoto2-port(2): Freeing port...
>0.339959 gphoto2-port(2): Closing port...
>0.340182 gphoto2-port(0): Could not release interface 0 (Operation not 
>0.340496 libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c(2): Clearing fscache LRU list...
>0.340647 libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c(2): fscache LRU list already empty
>0.340737 gphoto2-filesystem(2): Internally deleting all folders from
>qgil@tort:~$ env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --summary
>0.000426 main(2): gphoto2 2.1.4
>0.000551 main(2): gphoto2 has been compiled with the following options:
>0.000647 main(2):  + gcc (C compiler used)
>0.000737 main(2):  + no popt (for handling command-line parameters)
>0.000829 main(2):  + exif (for displaying EXIF information)
>0.000919 main(2):  + cdk (for accessing configuration options)
>0.001008 main(2):  + no aa (for displaying live previews)
>0.001098 main(2):  + jpeg (for displaying live previews in JPEG format)
>0.001187 main(2):  + readline (for easy navigation in the shell)
>0.047501 main(2): libgphoto2 2.1.4
>0.047793 main(2): libgphoto2 has been compiled with the following
>options: 0.047885 main(2):  + gcc (C compiler used)
>0.047975 main(2):  + EXIF (for special handling of EXIF files)
>0.048064 main(2):  + no ltdl (working around buggy libltdl, eh? :-)
>0.048154 main(2):  + /proc/meminfo (adapts cache size to memory
>available) 0.048269 main(2): libgphoto2_port 0.5.1
>0.048360 main(2): libgphoto2_port has been compiled with the following 
>0.048449 main(2):  + gcc (C compiler used)
>0.048686 main(2):  + USB (for USB cameras)
>0.099856 main(2):  + serial (for serial cameras)
>0.099965 main(2):  + no resmgr (serial port access and locking)
>0.100057 main(2):  + no baudboy (serial port locking)
>0.100147 main(2):  + no ttylock (serial port locking)
>0.100237 main(2):  + no lockdev (serial port locking)
>0.100326 main(2):  + no ltdl (working around buggy libltdl, eh? :-)
>0.100572 gphoto2-camera(2): Initializing camera...
>0.100771 gphoto2-port-usb(1): Looking for USB device (vendor 0x54c, 
>product 0x4e)... found.
>0.154005 gphoto2-port-usb(1): Detected defaults: config 1, interface 0, 
>altsetting 0, inep 82, outep 01, intep 83, class 06, subclass 01
>0.154124 gphoto2-camera(2): Loading 
>0.154888 gphoto2-port(2): Opening USB port...
>0.206452 gphoto2-port(0): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not 
>permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or 
>stv680) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
>0.206942 context(0): An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not 
>claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not 
>permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or 
>stv680) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
>*** Error ***
>An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): 
>Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted). Make sure no 
>other program or kernel module (e.g. dc2xx or stv680) is using the 
>device and you have read/write access to the device.
>*** Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device') ***
>For debugging messages, please use the --debug option.
>Debugging messages may help finding a solution to your problem.
>If you intend to send any error or debug messages to the gphoto
>developer mailing list <gphoto-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>, please run
>gphoto2 as follows:
>     env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --debug --summary
>Please make sure there is sufficient quoting around the arguments.
>0.312394 gp-camera(2): Freeing camera...
>0.312585 gphoto2-port(2): Freeing port...
>0.312678 gphoto2-port(2): Closing port...
>0.360141 gphoto2-port(0): Could not release interface 0 (Operation not 
>0.360481 libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c(2): Clearing fscache LRU list...
>0.360738 libgphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.c(2): fscache LRU list already empty
>0.360831 gphoto2-filesystem(2): Internally deleting all folders from

     ^ ^
     O O
    (_ _)
jabber id: muzzol(a)jabber.dk
No atribueixis qualitats humanes als ordinadors.
No els hi agrada.
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