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Bug#487974: texinfo: Tilde in Debian revision breaks builds involving texinfo

On Fr, 13 Mär 2009, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Good point. But if I recall correctly, then Kurt (whom you may know from his
> TU Wien days and who is still just a local phone call away) once told me that

The name somehow rings a bell.

> Karl Berry supposedly had a fix for this.  But maybe both Kurt and I were

Yes there is a fix, but that is if you are *in* a directory with ~:
	mkdir /tmp/foo~bar
	cd /tmp/foo~bar
	cat "....." > foo.texi
	texi2dvi foo.texi
did break before, now it works. But the other case:
	mkdir /tmp/foo~bar
	cat "..." > /tmp/foo~bar/foo.texi
	texi2dvi /tmp/foo~bar/foo.texi
breaks as you know.

> | I will ask upstream texinfo about ideas.
> Keep us posted, and thanks for all your help on libpoppler rebuilds and now
> this!

I Cc-ed the bug report, so that should be fine. DId you get it?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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