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Re: New version of latex-cjk-chinese-arphic

Hi Danai,

I am currently rebuilding your packages again in a pbuilder after having
fixed several (some small, some severe) problems:
  - 2 * dependencies on texlive-font-utils, one with version, one
    without, I removed the one without version
  - you still use the sfd files from freetype1-tools, the sfddir variable
    in debian/rules points to /usr/share/texmf/font/sfd and not to
    That was the reason why the .debs I built were so small. Then I was
    wandering, why the hell did make/dpkg-buildpackage not boil out?
    Investigating the build logs I saw that there was actually the error
    message "Can't open sfd file ...", but the build process 
    happily continued. So ... next line
  - your error handling in the rules file is hosed: all these building
    succeeded because the ($(ERR)) was never executed. The reason is the 
    pipe to tee which catches all errors:
    If you have a line in debian/rules
        @( cd .... && perl .... (without tee) || ($(ERR)) )
    then it works and a script in the error makes $(ERR) to run (containing
    exit 1 it stops the build process). If you add the | tee:
        @( cd .... && perl .... 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
    you check for the exit code of tee which apparently is true, and $(ERR) 
    is never executed. That is the reason why all the builds in a clean
    pbuilder, where no freetype1-tools are installed, produced so small
    .deb files ...
      $ if false | true ; then echo Hello; else echo World; fi
    So I pulled the | tee out of the whole stuff:
	@( cd .... & perl .... 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
    That seem to work.

I attach a diff from your 1.19 packages to the one I am currently
building. I hope that this is fine then, but I can report only in 3

Please include that pieces (or similar ones) into your repository.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
NAPLES (pl.n.)
The tiny depression in a piece of Ryvita.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
diff -urN orig-danai/latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/changelog latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/changelog
--- orig-danai/latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/changelog	2008-07-24 03:09:21.000000000 +0200
+++ latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/changelog	2008-07-27 09:46:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@
   * [watch] Remove this file; it is of no use, because the Arphic fonts will
      never be updated again, and because this package is a Debian native
+  * changes by the sponsor
+     - [rules] use correct location of sfd files (also changed in the 
+       README file)
+     - [rules] don't catch errors from script by piping to tee
+     - [control] remove double occurrence of texlive-font-utils in the
+       build-depends-indep
  -- Danai SAE-HAN (é??é??è??) <danai.sae-han@edpnet.be>  Thu, 24 Jul 2008 03:06:24 +0200
diff -urN orig-danai/latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/README.Debian latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/README.Debian
--- orig-danai/latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/README.Debian	2007-02-05 01:14:06.000000000 +0100
+++ latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/README.Debian	2008-07-27 08:49:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
   $ ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/gkai00mp.ttf
 # I'm not sure about the CODINGSCHEME variable in VF; you might try "cjkgbk".
-  $ perl uni2sfd.pl gkaiu /usr/share/texmf/fonts/sfd/UGBK.sfd gkaigbk cjkgbk
+  $ perl uni2sfd.pl gkaiu /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/sfd/UGBK.sfd gkaigbk cjkgbk
 # Vertical fonts.
   $ perl clonevf.pl gkaiuv gkaigbkv
 # The font definition files for the regular and vertical version.
-  $ perl makefdx.pl gkaiuvr.afm /usr/share/texmf/fonts/sfd/UGBK.sfd c19gkai.fdx
+  $ perl makefdx.pl gkaiuvr.afm /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/sfd/UGBK.sfd c19gkai.fdx
   $ echo "% This is the file c19gkai.fd of the CJK package
 %   for using Asian logographs (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) with LaTeX2e
diff -urN orig-danai/latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/rules latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/rules
--- orig-danai/latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/rules	2008-07-24 03:07:27.000000000 +0200
+++ latex-cjk-chinese-arphic-1.19/debian/rules	2008-07-27 09:41:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 dest_docpath = usr/share/doc/texmf/fonts/$(fonttype)/$(supplier)
 dest_fd = $($(encoding)_texinput)
 builddir = build/$(typeface)
-sfddir = /$(texmf)/fonts/sfd
+sfddir = /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/sfd
 ERR = cat log && echo "Errare humanum! Please have a look at $(builddir)/log." && exit 1
@@ -118,23 +118,23 @@
 	# Create Unicode encoded subfonts `$(uninamestem)00' .. `$(uninamestem)ff'.
 	# This will take a lot of hours.  Make yourself a nice day.
 	echo fontforge -script subfonts.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem) $(sfddir)/Unicode.sfd > $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && fontforge -script subfonts.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem) $(sfddir)/Unicode.sfd 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && fontforge -script subfonts.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem) $(sfddir)/Unicode.sfd 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Create font `$(uninamestem)v' with all vertical glyph representation forms.
 	echo fontforge -script vertical.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem)v >> $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && fontforge -script vertical.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem)v 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && fontforge -script vertical.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem)v 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Create font `$(uninamestem)vr' which has the same structure as `$(uninamestem)v',
 	# but normal glyphs instead of vertical representation forms.
 	echo fontforge -script vertref.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem)vr >> $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && fontforge -script vertref.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem)vr 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && fontforge -script vertref.pe $(typeface).ttf $(uninamestem)vr 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Create a virtual font `$(sfdnamestem)v' which is a clone of `$(uninamestem)v'.
 	echo perl clonevf.pl $(uninamestem)v $(sfdnamestem)v >> $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && perl clonevf.pl $(uninamestem)v $(sfdnamestem)v 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && perl clonevf.pl $(uninamestem)v $(sfdnamestem)v 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Temporary fix to create vertical files for gkai and gbsn.
@@ -152,21 +152,21 @@
 	# which use Unicode encoded `$(uninamestem)XX' subfonts as raw fonts
 	# and `$(codingscheme)' as the `CODINGSCHEME' parameter value.
 	echo perl uni2sfd.pl $(uninamestem) $(sfddir)/$(encoding).sfd $(sfdnamestem) $(codingscheme) >> $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && perl uni2sfd.pl $(uninamestem) $(sfddir)/$(encoding).sfd $(sfdnamestem) $(codingscheme) 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && perl uni2sfd.pl $(uninamestem) $(sfddir)/$(encoding).sfd $(sfdnamestem) $(codingscheme) 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Create entries for the extended font definition file
 	# `c$(nfss_fontencoding)$(namestem).fdx' (which uses $(encoding) encoding), with `$(uninamestem)vr' as
 	# the reference font.
 	echo perl makefdx.pl $(uninamestem)vr.afm $(sfddir)/$(encoding).sfd c$(nfss_fontencoding) $(namestem) >> $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && perl makefdx.pl $(uninamestem)vr.afm $(sfddir)/$(encoding).sfd c$(nfss_fontencoding) $(namestem) 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && perl makefdx.pl $(uninamestem)vr.afm $(sfddir)/$(encoding).sfd c$(nfss_fontencoding) $(namestem) 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Create entries for the extended font definition file
 	# `c70$(namestem).fdx' (which uses Unicode encoding), with `$(uninamestem)vr' as
 	# the reference font.
 	echo perl makefdx.pl -u $(uninamestem)vr.afm $(sfddir)/Unicode.sfd c70$ $(namestem) >> $(builddir)/log
-	@( cd $(builddir) && perl makefdx.pl -u $(uninamestem)vr.afm $(sfddir)/Unicode.sfd c70 $(namestem) 2>&1 | tee --append log || ($(ERR)) )
+	@( cd $(builddir) && perl makefdx.pl -u $(uninamestem)vr.afm $(sfddir)/Unicode.sfd c70 $(namestem) 2>&1 || ($(ERR)) ) | tee --append log
 	# Temporary fix, because the latest makefdx.pl fails to create

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