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Re: Patch to make texlive-new work

Hi Frank! Hi all!

On Don, 28 Dez 2006, Frank Küster wrote:
> target does.  But "make world" should be equivalent to "make all; make
> install; make strip".  Why not just leave out the stripping?

Thanks, you have already done this.

> Yes, we can do the merge now, and maybe upload packages with the new
> layout (and libpaper support etc.) to experimental.  If we need to do
> uploads targetted at etch, either through unstable or
> testing-proposed-updates, I would keep with the old layout.

Ok, I merged the last small piece from the old layout to the new.


In case you do something:
- svn/texlive-new/ is for sid/lenny/experimental/whatever
- svn/texlive/trunk/ is for etch updates

The already checked in changes in the old layout are:
  * Don't add mktexlsr calls to the postinst/postrm script of texlive
    package, as it does not contain 'real' files (Closes: #400369)
  * add an updated dcpic.sty to texlive-pictures (Closes: #388653)

  * move bin-ttfutils to tl-font-utils, blacklist everything but
  * ttf2afm,
    add bin-ttfutils.tpm and ttf2afm.1 to the source package
    (Closes: #402983) (Closes also ubuntu #75545)
  * reinclude pslatex script and its manpage into texlive-base-bin.


  * downgrade the relation from fonts-extra to cm-super from depends to
    suggests. Default would be recommends, but a suggests is enough.
    (Closes: #399064)
  * add the missing dstroke.map, and add the addMap action to the config
    file (Closes: #400780)
  * activate ugq.map (Closes: #374351)
  * remap infix-RPN.tex and .sty from the doc hieracy to texmf-texlive
    (Closes: #402987) (closes Ubuntu bug #69690)


So IF we do something for etch, then texlive-bin and texlive-extra would
make sense ... but this can also be done from the current texlive-new

All of these changes are non invasive at all, and the changes to
texlive-bin fix some regression which might be stupid, especially the
missing ttf2afm!

For texlive-extra it would be nice to have these fixes in etch, too, but
who knows ... does it make sense to build packges and ask -release?

Anyway, I am away till the 2 January, so either someone else or I will
do it when I am back.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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Rome wasn't burned in a day.
                 --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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