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Re: About the branches in our SVN repository

Florent Rougon <f.rougon@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> (esp. for Frank)
> Looking at tetex-base, there are among others these two branches:
>   - not-for-sarge
>   - not-for-etch
> AIUI, the first one was a mistake, why wasn't it removed? Shall I do it?

If you manage to...  I thought that I called

svn move SVNURL/branches/not-for-sarge SVNURL/branches/not-for-etch


> As for the second one, well, I'd like to do things differently for
> tetex-bin. IMHO, it makes more sense to continue normal development in
> the trunk and have an 'etch' branch forked from revision 2018 that will
> receive the fixes we really want in etch and nothing else. This branch
> will become mostly static when etch is released, but can be very helpful
> for security updates or other stable updates (hopefully, none).

You are right.  I initially thought that it's easier to have etch on the
main branch, but didn't take into account that we might need to make
updates to stable.

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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