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Re: TeXlive for Debian - Birthday release

On Nov 25 2005, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Fre, 25 Nov 2005, Rogério Brito wrote:
> > Then, I plan to play quite a bit with the various TeX distributions
> > (so that I can actually see how my package works with them and to
> > also release a "Christmas release" of it, with some updates to the
> > manual and some bugfixes).
> I guess the algorithm package.

Yes, exactly. I forgot to mention this on my earlier e-mail.

> Well, if you don't have fonts etc to install, it is easy. Just install
> the stuff and call mktexlsr in the postinst/postrm.

No fonts here. Just basic style packages. The source needs some
cleaning, but I guess that the basic functionality is there.

> > obviously like to have it work well with both teTeX and TeX Live
> > once you get Tex Live in Debian proper.
> Isn't it contained in TeX live? What package are you talking about?

Yes, perhaps it is (I have never used TeX Live before, but since TeX
Live seems to be a superset of teTeX and teTeX has algorithms...).

I would like to offer the users fresher copies of algorithms, if I am
able to keep up with the pace of updates of TeX Live and teTeX.

Perhaps this makes my intention clearer...

Thanks, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : rbrito@ime.usp.br : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito
Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de
Homepage on freshmeat:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/

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