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Re: teTeX and TeX Live interoperability

Hi all!

On Sam, 05 Nov 2005, Ralf Stubner wrote:
> > > However, map files could be problematic. BTW, I am not sure why somebody
> > > would want to shadow a map file, but then, I am don't understand why map
> > > files are config files in the first place. ;-) 
> > 
> > Not that I am an expert in this - but the bottom line is that if you
> > want to configure the download options (or, in other words, embedding of
> > fonts into ps/pdf ) on a per-font-basis, there is no way but to change
> > the map files.
> Agreed. Although I would change renamed copies of the map files and
> alter the updmap.cfg snippets accordingly. That way I stand a change of
> remembering what and why I changed something. :-) But that is probably a
> matter of personal style.
> > I think the main place for configuration is and will be /etc/.  Only if
> > a file is not in /etc/texmf, you put an updated version into
> > /usr/local/texmf or TEXMFHOME. 
> That's ok for the local admin. Packages would have more problems. But
> then I see no reason why some package should want to shadow/change a map
> file. 

Since I asked just recently. There is one reason I have for shadowing a
map file:

TEX live ships the belleek fonts (replacements for MathTime) and install
the respective map file.

I own a copy of MathTime(Pro) and want to use *MY* fonts not the belleek

Now there are two options:
- edit the updmap.d config file
- shadow it in /usr/local/share/texmf (if it would work)

The advantage of the second approach is:
- I do not edit any config file, thus upgrades bring me all the new
  stuff without the danger of me ignoring a file upgrade.
- I have one centralized location where I shadow stuff, and I always
  find what I did.

(BTW in fact I shadowed also some other fonts like the free palatino
oldstyle and some others).

And then there is also the problem (how is it solved in tetex3 in
debian) that the updmap.cfg file is in /var/lib/texmf/web2c and is not
found, at least I remember such a problem.

So if we set TEXMFSYSCONFIG to /etc/texmf we would still have the
problem that the map files are already in the /etc/texmf directory.

But then again, we could move OUT of /etc/texmf *most* files which would
be some very comfortable thing.

Configuration would be done by copying files from TEXMFMAIN to
/etc/temxf and adapting them.

Is this a working solution?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
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The suit into which the man's body had been stuffed looked
as if it's only purpose in life was to demonstrate how
difficult it was to get this sort of body into a suit.
                 --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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