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Re: tex-common and ls-R files

On Son, 06 Nov 2005, Frank Küster wrote:
> > No, I wouldn't suggest this. Why: User X changes the permissions of the
> > ls-R files in a way he likes. And *after* this calls dpkg-reconfigure.
> I don't agree here.  The decision in this question is a "binary" one for
> each of the ls-R files - either they are group-writable, or they are
> not.  If the user has changed the permissions (we only consider group

After re-reading the description of tex-common/managedlsr I agree. In
fact I based my previous post on the old (I know that I have rewritten
the descriptions, but well, brains are like sieves ...) description and
the name of the question, instead of the actual description.

> group-writable files will be selected.  So if gets to that question and
> deselects them all, why shouldn't we follow that wish and make them all
> non-group-writable?  What's the difference here to a situation where all

Completely correct. Please change the stuff as you described.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
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TOLOB (n.)
A crease or fold in an underblanket, the removal of which involves
getting out of bed an largely remaking it.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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