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Re: tetex-bin/debian/changelog.* ?

On 04.11.05 Frank Küster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:

Hi all,

> > Just another fault from my side. When I did an SVN checkout in
> > earlier times I got files named changelog.r$REVISION and
> > changelog.mine. I just thought, if these files are deleted from SVN
> > they will be deleted from my local repository as soon as I do an
> > checkout. I've deleted them now here and they did not pop up again.
> These file come up if you have a local change that svn cannot merge
> with a change that has happened in the repository meanwhile.  Upon
> update, it tells you that the file conflicts, and gives you copies
> of the last checked out revision before your changes, and the
> current revision, plus your own file; in the changelog file itself
> there are some conflict markers (<<<...)
Completely right. After deleting that broken file and checking it out
again everything seems fine.

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as good.  Luckily this is not difficult.
		-- Charlotte Whitton

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