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Re: Debian TeX Policy / fonts -- update in the works...

Florent Rougon <f.rougon@free.fr> wrote:

> The end result can be seen here:

Thank you.  I like the content of what you wrote; however I'd prefer the
wording to be much shorter.  After all, the title of the document is
"Policy", not "Explanation" or "Developers' Reference".

I have introduced "TDS" in Terms and Definitions, with this you can
shorten the second paragraph of "2." a bit; and I suggest to put that
paragraph into a footnote.  I would also put the "Rationale" part of
"6.", i.e. the second and third paragraph, into a footnote.

I would also like to see the description of the Magic Comment to be
shorter; less of rationale and "this is also good because", and of
"conversational" tone ("little mechanism").  Unfortunately I don't think
I'm the right person to write that - I tend to write in the very same
style I critized...

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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