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Re: lmodern package ready for teTeX 3 and upgrades from sarge


Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> cmsuper depends on tex-common. So tex-common is installed and
> configured, and thus update-updmap is already called. Furthermore,
> update-updmap does NOT generate any mapfiles! It only updates/changes
> the config file under /var/lib/texmf. So calling mktexlsr before or
> after does not change anything. But it also doesn't hurt.

Sorry about that. I meant updmap.cfg, not map files (I should know that
as i wrote the "new" update-updmap...). As I said to Ralf, I agree that 
updmap.cfg has few chances not to be in the appropriate ls-R file
already. But as you said, it doesn't hurt to swap the first two calls
and might help in a weird case where updmap.cfg would not be in the ls-R
file. Since update-updmap gains absolutely nothing from the ls-R call, I
recommend the order: update-updmap, mktexlsr, updmap-sys.

> Did you look at the debian/sid package? (Not the one from tug!). THere

I did 'apt-get source' on an up-to-date debian sid. I got cm-super

> have been several changes till the final -1 in debian. I call mktexlsr,
> update-updmap and updmap(-sys), this should be enough to fix all map
> files.

Yes, but in that version, I have:

case "$1" in
        rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/
        # if the -sys variant exists (texlive, tetex3) call it, 
        # otherwise call the original updmap
        if which updmap-sys >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then



Nothing is done on 'disappear'.

Also, I didn't look at debian/control yesterday; you have to depend on
tex-common for update-updmap.


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