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Re: lmodern package ready for teTeX 3 and upgrades from sarge

Hi Florent!

On Sam, 08 Okt 2005, Florent Rougon wrote:
> It's been a long time since there is an lmodern package that
> specifically uses the teTeX 3 infrastructure (new upate-updmap and new
> TDS version) on:

Good to hear!

> I've also uploaded the previous version (0.92-8+tetex3+3), which is
> almost the same as 0.92-7+tetex3+3 (cosmetic fixes,
> s/VARTEXMF/TEXMFSYSVAR/g in comments...). The purpose of this version is
> (as what could already be found in this repository) to provide a sample
> font package that uses the "new updmap scheme" (the update-updmap we

See also cm-super in debian/sid, which provides a variant of this,
although much more simple.

> Based on Ralf's comments, maybe it might be better to use mkfontscale,

This is what I did for generating the fonts.scale

> As usual, lintian complains about stuff in /usr/X11R6/lib, but I think
> it is wrong here: the stuff in question is only a bunch of symlinks, and
> it is the place recommended by Policy §

I did install the files into /usr/X11R6/lib/fonts..., as I don't see
what makes a big difference in installing the fonts or only links. Other
font packages also install there. What would you suggest? Installing all
into /usr/share/fonts/type1 and making links to /usr/X11R6/lib/...

BTW, you can fix the lintian warnings with a lintian override file.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
sip:preining@at43.tuwien.ac.at                             +43 (0) 59966-690018
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A clever architectural construction designed to give the illusion from
the top deck of a bus that it is far too big for the road.
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