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questions regarding patch-src


here come some questions with respect to patch-src.

* texk/web2c/pdftexdir/writefont.c

In this file we add the line 

#include "../../../libs/xpdf/goo/gmem.h"  /* gmalloc() */

However, as I said the upstream sources compile fine in sid (I didn't
try yet to dpkg-buildpackage). 

* texk/web2c/pdftexdir/writet1.c

We introduce the following patch:

-boolean t1_subset(char *fontfile, char *encfile, unsigned char *g)
+ * Formerly declared to return boolean, but there was no return value!
+ */
+void t1_subset(char *fontfile, char *encfile, unsigned char *g)

Then comes the function definition, and what I don't understand is that
it ends with 

return 1 ; /* note:  there *is* no unsuccessful return */

This is the case both in 2.0.2 and in the beta version (2.95.0). So it
does return a boolean, doesn't it?

* texk/dvipdfm/dvipdfm.c

We patch this file to read an additional config file, as discussed in
the thread starting with 


However, in the same thread there was a patch that added libpaper
support to dvipdfm. Why hasn't this been incorporated?

TIA, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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