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Re: tetex-bin: formats not build [solved]

Jérémie Knuesel <elendur@freesurf.ch> schrieb:

> All these problems (and the problem of tetex-base/bin and the formats
> too) were solved when I installed a new version of fileutils: suddenly
> the missing file appeared in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/ (there
> was no need to copy Frank's file). It seems that for some reason, the
> system was only partly able to find this one file, precisely!

This _is_ strange. Maybe this is a bug in fileutils - which version
were you using, and which one solved the problem?

> Now if someone has an idea of what was going on... I hope it was not a
> side effect of a malicious rootkit!

Quite unlikely. Why should it try to hide exactly omxcmex.fd?

By the way, you didn't open up a bug using the "reportbug" program, but
contacted our list directly. Opening a bug is usually better, because
then everybody else also knows that there is the problem, and can read
the conversation, instead of starting a new thread on the same
subject. Also, we maintainers see that there is really a problem to
solve and not only some talking to be done.

However, since you didn't open a bug, I need not ask you to close it

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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