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Bug#87699: tetex-bin: Please don't. A "suggests" and possibly a warning on install is better

"C.M. Connelly" <c@eskimo.com> cum veritate scripsit:
>    1. Require texi2html to build
>    2. Don't require any other part of tetex-bin to build
>    3. Declare a Build-Depends on tetex-bin
> then those packages are broken and need to be fixed by changing
> their Build-Depends line to include texi2html and not tetex-bin.

Please go around fixing them yourself.

> Declaring false dependencies in tetex-bin so that other package
> maintainers don't have to fix their packages is not the right way
> to solve the problem.
> If need be, we can always file a ton of bugs against these
> packages with broken Build-Depends.

Many were downgraded.

The problem is, it's not "we", who filed the bugs and did the 
dirty work. It's me, and I'm saying it's wrong.

If I am not misunderstanding the issue, tetex-bin 
in potato contained, texi2html ?

If that's not true, then I am wrong. 


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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