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Bug#87699: tetex-bin: Please don't. A "suggests" and possibly a warning on install is better

"C.M. Connelly" <c@eskimo.com> cum veritate scripsit:

> Sorry to have not chimed in earlier, but wouldn't a better
> solution be to have the tetex-bin in potato provide a virtual
> package called ``texi2html'' that is then replaced by the real
> texi2html package in woody?

We don't have a time machine.

We can only compensate for past problems with some hack.

If including texi2html to tetex-bin in potato was a mistake,
a new package is required, or manual auditing of all programs
which "Build-Depends: tetex-bin" .

I hate to tell you this, but I have been doing that for you,
and I have been halfway through fixing it.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
GPG Fingerprint : 17D6 120E 4455 1832 9423  7447 3059 BF92 CD37 56F4

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