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Re: Woody is bootable? (was: Sarge is bootalbe?)

On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 09:14:01AM +0100, Nick Bailey wrote:

> However, the last time I tried to install from a woody boot CDRom, I
> couldn't. It wouldn't mount SCSI disks so you couldn't get anywhere
> unless / was on an IDE device. Perhaps there is/was a way around
> this, but I failed to find it.

Sections 5.2 and 4.2.2 of the Woody install manual, perhaps? Says that
'idepci' is the default kernel on CD #1 if you make no other choice,
but it also contains 'vanilla', 'compact', and 'bf2.4' kernels.

If you happened to try the idepci kernel on a SCSI-only machine,
you'll *definitely* have problems like you described. I suppose the
reason idepci is the default is that some machines would hang while
certain SCSI drivers were loading.


Mike Renfro  / R&D Engineer, Center for Manufacturing Research,
931 372-3601 / Tennessee Technological University -- renfro@tntech.edu

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