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Woody is bootable? (was: Sarge is bootalbe?)


I completely agree with everything you wrote.

However, the last time I tried to install from a woody boot CDRom, I couldn't. It wouldn't mount SCSI disks so you couldn't get anywhere unless / was on an IDE device. Perhaps there is/was a way around this, but I failed to find it. Since our default machines here are dual-AMD with SCSI disks running Sid, I had to install Potato and dist-upgrade with all the pain which has been reported by others.

Since I am (a) a big debian fan, (b) not aversed to a bit of hacking (much better than marking reports!) and (c) don't have any enterprise-critical machines to look after, I didn't think much of it. But perhaps SCSI support à la Sid being absent on Woody might turn off a few new potential converts who do not have mass-market machines.

Sorry, I should have brought this up before (while Woody was still testing), but better late than never.


Colin Watson wrote:

On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 01:00:37PM +0200, Claudio wrote:
I downloaded Sarge but i can't install booting from CD and i can't install it upgrading on Potato.
It says:
"Internal Error, couldn't configure a pre-depend".
Plese help me, because i don't know i must to do.

Please read the answers already given to you multiple times!


Do not try to install sarge directly yet, as it won't work. Upgrade from
potato to woody, following the instructions in the release notes at
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/. Then consider upgrading to

If you have problems upgrading to woody, please post the full text of
the error messages you get. Please don't just post the same message yet


Dr Nick Bailey                              n.j.bailey@elec.gla.ac.uk
Centre for Music Technology                 http://cmt.gla.ac.uk/
Dept of Electronics and Electrical Eng      http://www.elec.gla.ac.uk/
The University of Glasgow                   http://www.gla.ac.uk

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