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Re: USB mouse recognition

Junichi Uekawa wrote:

In Sun, 13 Jan 2002 11:12:50 +0100 Beat cum veritate scripsit :

Is there still no way to tell Debian to setup the /dev/input/mice device(s) automatically? Sure, I can do it by hand, but this has to be done by the installer if it detects an usb mouse (or if that's not possible at install time, let the user manually set an usb mouse type).

Hmm... I think /dev/input/mice should probably be created regardless of whether a user has a USB mouse.

The "if installed" part will be satisfied if you are using devfs.

How should I know whether devfs is used or not? Or in other words, what is the default method when installing Debian (Woody of course)?

The package which creates the /dev/ files may need fixing, if that is the case.

Which version of installer have you used ?

Well, you probably don't like to hear from me that I used "debian-unofficial" CDs. They are dated 01/03/2002, from ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/debian-unofficial/.

I think that they contain boot-floppies 3.0.18-2001-12-21. I don't know the exact version of installer in this package.

There was no way for me to install Woody because of the almost famous Bug#126188: boot-floppies: "Malformed Release file". So I got the unofficial CDs.

I started this thread because this limitation was always present in Debian. It's not specifically a Woody "bug".

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