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Re: Ready to build for i686, but am a little confused

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 01:43:02AM -0500, Andrew Hurt wrote:
> Greetings.
> Trying to optimize things for i686, and have assumed I should start
> with gcc(?).

I guess it would be easier to instruct the Debian-supplied gcc to compile
for i686 by using the -march=i686 flag. If you're compiling Debian sources
you could alter dkpg-architecture to spit out i686 instead of i386, and if
you're compiling anything else from source you might want to try editing the
Makefile's CFLAGS macro to say -march=i686 in addition to what's already in

Bertram Bourdrez (bertram at vliestroom dot demon dot nl) -- ICQ# 32236129

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