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Re: USB mouse recognition

In Sun, 13 Jan 2002 11:12:50 +0100 Beat cum veritate scripsit :

> Is there still no way to tell Debian to setup the /dev/input/mice 
> device(s) automatically? Sure, I can do it by hand, but this has to be 
> done by the installer if it detects an usb mouse (or if that's not 
> possible at install time, let the user manually set an usb mouse type). 

Hmm... I think /dev/input/mice should probably be created regardless of 
whether a user has a USB mouse.

The "if installed" part will be satisfied if you are using devfs.

The package which creates the /dev/ files may need fixing, if that 
is the case.

Which version of installer have you used ?


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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