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Following the instructions in /usr/share/doc/libapache-mod-ssl-doc I run
'mod-ssl-makecert' right after installation. But I get the following error:
'/usr/lib/apache/mkcert.sh: No such file or directory.'

A 'locate mkcert.sh' returs only

A full screen dump follows:

tcc:~# mod-ssl-makecert
/etc/apache/ssl.crt/server.crt: already present
/etc/apache/ssl.csr/server.csr: already present
/etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key: already present

Do you really want to overwrite the existing certificate ? [y/N]: y
What type of certificate do you want to create ?

1. dummy    (dummy self-signed Snake Oil cert)
2. test     (test cert signed by Snake Oil CA)
3. custom   (custom cert signed by own CA)
4. existing (existing cert)

Use dummy    when you're a  vendor package maintainer,
    test     when you're an admin but want to do tests only,
    custom   when you're an admin willing to run a real server
and existing when you're an admin who upgrades a server.

Normally you'd use "test" (2)

> 3
/usr/sbin/mod-ssl-makecert: /usr/lib/apache/mkcert.sh: No such file or

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