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On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Reuleaux, Andreas wrote:

> Yes, I am on this list and yes, I checked the MD5SUMS with the "-b"

Only to the list then, this time ;-)

> option (md5sum.exe -b potato-i386-2.raw) as I stated before.
> I downloaded the images via http from
> http://ftp.gigabell.net/pub/debian-testimages/ - I have read the
> recommendations to use rsync from the pseudo-image-kit and I do want
> to respect them in the future, i. e. I don't want to slown down other
> people with my http/ftp downloads. - yet I used http because this was
> easier for me basically for two reasons (1) I downloaded from within
> my office (winNT) behind a firawall and we don't even have DNS but
> wins. ftp and http work fine for me and I am not sure yet if I can get
> rsync working for me. - I will try and see. (2) the transfer from the
> above mentioned gigabell mirror seemed fast to me.

Ok. I was about to rsync my (good) copy to that of gigabell, but gigabell
doesn't have rsync. Too bad.

> Therefore I haven't had a chance yet to just re-run rsync. I have
> done another http download with the same wrong MD5SUMS results.
> But since nobody else seems to have these MD5SUMS problems, I would
> conclude the MD5SUMS are OK, and I am sure I will figure out a way 
> to get the correct images.

The mirror in Finland should also be quite fast from .de if you must use

Another option might be taking the image home and running rsync over a "slow" 
modem connection to a "better" ISP (that allows rsync traffic). Since the
image is likely only having very few wrong bits, this should take less than
half an hour.

Also note that only the Binary-1 CD is "obligatory" for installs/upgrades.

And, if you're brave, just burn the wrong Binary-2 and use
"apt-cdrom add -f=no" which is supposed to scan all packages with individual
md5sums, and excludes the mismatching ones. Should take quite some time,

  Anne Bezemer

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