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testing potato cycle 3: good stuff and bad stuff

Part 1: Good stuff

I have two machines running Debian: one at work (with high speed access
to a full mirror of Debian), and one at home (behind a dialup line.

I decided to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 at frozen, because this is the time of 
the year when I nominaly have some breathing space at work, and I expect
the ammount of work to be done in september would prevent me from upgrading 
potato officialy became stable. 

I first upgraded my office machine by following exactly the instructions
in release notes. That went mostly without problems: while I had to restart
apt-get --dist-upgrade a few times, there were no major problems. 
Being able to ftp updates from a local mirror at 500+ KB/s was realy nice.

The only weirdness was fvwm2 (which decided I had old setup files - after
a few rounds of renaming the .fvwm directory to different names I finaly 
tamed that.

I rebooted on principle, because I would rather face eventual problems right
away than a few months from now, when I've forgotten what I've changed.
I logged in, then tried to open an xterm with ssh to root on localhost. 
To make a long story short, root would not accept my password. 
Fortunately, I had sudo enabled for my account, so I was able to do
sudo bash; passwd root
That enabled my password, and I was able to log in normaly (so it wasn't 
ssh' fault). That was yesterday. This morning I tried again, and my password
was refused again. As far as I could see, the coded version of my password had
not changed, so it _feels_ like the root had some kind of password expiration 

Other than that, I realy like potato - it feel better somehow than slink did.
I'd like to thank all the developers who sweated over it.

Best regards,

"My name is Not Important. Not to friends. 
    But you can call me mr. Important"  - Not J. Important 

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