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Re: testing potato cycle 3: good stuff and bad stuff

>>>>> "MG" == Matija Grabnar <matija.grabnar@arnes.si> writes:

    MG> I rebooted on principle, because I would rather face eventual
    MG> problems right away than a few months from now, when I've
    MG> forgotten what I've changed.  I logged in, then tried to open
    MG> an xterm with ssh to root on localhost. To make a long story
    MG> short, root would not accept my password. Fortunately, I had
    MG> sudo enabled for my account, so I was able to do sudo bash;
    MG> passwd root That enabled my password, and I was able to log in
    MG> normaly (so it wasn't ssh' fault). That was yesterday. This
    MG> morning I tried again, and my password was refused again. As
    MG> far as I could see, the coded version of my password had not
    MG> changed, so it _feels_ like the root had some kind of password
    MG> expiration set.

Just a thought (and it sound like you did think of it) - did you
verify that ssh was allowing root logins?  (/etc/ssh/sshd_config,  I


A.J. Rossini
rossini@blindglobe.net				BlindGlobe Networks
rossini@biostat.washington.edu			U Washington (from home)
rossini@scharp.org				VTN/SCHARP/FHCRC (from home)

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