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Re: Latest install report

Thanks for clearing up asclock.

> > Nobody asked if I wanted wmaker as my default WM, so I just got icewm.
> Interesting...  I assume wmaker was installed... I remember seeing that
> insanity in hamm, the 'workstation standard' configuration installs every
> single window manager under the sun...

Yes, wmaker was installed, togerther with lots of other WMs except
fvwm95, but unlike the other WMs it didn't ask to be made default.

> > xdm was installed without asking me if I wanted to boot with it.
> that's how it works now.  If you don't want it, don't install it.  I don't
> think it's wise to install that package in most configurations.

It's part of the standard configurations though.

Ian Redfern.

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