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Latest install report

Installing onto a Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDT, 32MB RAM, base and
package files fetched by NFS (not APT) over PCMCIA. Option chosen:
standard workstation, but removed TeX, XEmacs and Emacs19, added dhcpcd,
Netscape, tcpdump.

The 2.1.7 boot disks work perfectly.


The asclock/afterstep conflict I raised as Bug #33233 is still there,
though the bug was closed.

'gpm: freopen(stderr) failed' at gpm install and at every startup (bug

'warning: ignoring unknown format `texinfo' at /usr/sbin/install-docs
line 627 <IN> chunk 9' appeared during installation.

The SVGA X server offered to let me run xf86config, but that hadn't been
installed yet.

Nobody asked if I wanted wmaker as my default WM, so I just got icewm.

fvwm95 wasn't installed (it usually is).

It took 2 hours and 50 mins to get this far. Then I ran xserver-config
manually and got the message about missing READMEs.

xdm was installed without asking me if I wanted to boot with it.

'check-local-xserver' and 'Starting X font sever' (Bug #28907) appear at

Otherwise, everything is running nicely.

Ian Redfern (redferni@logica.com).

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