Re: dselect/dpkg
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 wrote:
> > > Cruft doesn't really do what you want, but it might be a good starting point,
> > > rather than working completely from scratch. Talk to the author and maybe
> > > the two of you can coordinate this effort.
> >
> > Hmmmm...I don't know if my skills are quite THAT good ;)
> You need a little healthy arrogance to be a decent programmer. Without some
> self-confidence, you'll never get anything done. The knowledge that you
> don't know how to do what you want will stop you. At some level, you
> just have to jump into the fray and do it anyway.
>You learn as you go along.
Oh I know that method bro'! <rofl>
Well, I am arrogant about my knowledge of computers/unix (relative to
Swhinedows (l)users). I taught myself (my)sql yesterday. I don't know
perl, and C would've taken me a week to write an interface to the database
(because I am a rookie with C), and I'm not really interested in a web
based interface, so I just wrote a shell script to take care
of database management - in one night. But I'm still not sure that
qualifies me as a programmer yet. ;)
> > I do see a need for this kind of
> > script though - just switching servers (ex.
> > can wreak havoc on dselect's/apt's perception of
> > what's installed
> Well, now this is a problem. I switch servers all the time, and I've never
> had *any* problems with corruption of the package database.
> Has anyone else noticed this?
I didn't mean to infer that the installed base was _corrupted_ by
switching servers - the problem I would have on occasion was version
mismatches which would result in unnessacary up/downgrades (incremental).
Thinking it out this is probably more a function of out of sync ftp
mirrors. If those mirrors were in sync then there was a problem.
Actually the sites in question were
(that last one might not be a completely accurate address - could be edu -
fullerton college mirror of debian dist anyway).
I think I'm gonna bow out here - I may be causing more problems than I'm
solving. Pointers to a deetailed outline of how d{pkg,slect}/apt operate
would be greatly appreciated though. In the meantime I'll read EVERYTHING
in the /usr/doc/(deb related) hierarchy for once. Thanks.
> Eric
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