Re: dselect/dpkg
> > Cruft doesn't really do what you want, but it might be a good starting point,
> > rather than working completely from scratch. Talk to the author and maybe
> > the two of you can coordinate this effort.
> Hmmmm...I don't know if my skills are quite THAT good ;)
You need a little healthy arrogance to be a decent programmer. Without some
self-confidence, you'll never get anything done. The knowledge that you
don't know how to do what you want will stop you. At some level, you
just have to jump into the fray and do it anyway. You learn as you go along.
> I do see a need for this kind of
> script though - just switching servers (ex.
> can wreak havoc on dselect's/apt's perception of
> what's installed
Well, now this is a problem. I switch servers all the time, and I've never
had *any* problems with corruption of the package database.
Has anyone else noticed this?
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