Re: dselect/dpkg
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Feb 1999 09:50:37 -0800 (PST), rrr <> said:
> > I can't let this slide. ;) I do know what I'm doing (been using
> > Linux 4 or 5 years) - what I'm not entirely up to speed on is
> > Debian's package management system.
> Oh, I really didn't mean to impinge your skill or knowledge.
Well, I did some stupid stuff that day, but I do know linux - but not so
much debian.
> > a full reinstall - I'm wondering "what did I gain by switching from
> > Slackware?"
> Well, I understand that, but, you know, the dpkg status file *is*
> where this information is stored.
I feel foolish that it took me 3 hours to figure that out, after using
debian for a year or something. Is there a set of docs that clearly
explains how dselect/apt does what it does? I was not able to find this.
It's almost like this info is deemed too powerful for those not involved
in package maintainence/developement. What this does, is make the system
seem deceptively simple (therefore forgiving) to the debian newbie.
> > I am going to write a script that will parse the install scripts
>>and > > tell me if _every_ file that a particular package installs is
> > installed. If so I will check it by hand. If it is indeed
> > installed, I'll change the status file hand. This seems easier than
> > a full re-install and will at least give the peace of mind that dpkg
> > has a clue as to what's on the system.
>Yeah, so long as you get all the versions right.
Point well taken, although since I was at slink a couple of weeks ago I
should come up close (although slink does seem to rolling fast these days
;) ). The thing is, is that without doing something like this I can't
even "back off" to stable and then "come up" to slink because the system
can't downgrade something it doesn't know exists.
>> Guess I didn't learn that lesson, eh? I don't learn when things
>> work right anyway - I learn by breaking then fixing stuff. <rofl>
> Yeah, me too.
The sign of a true unix junkie! Thanks Adam.
> --
> .....Adam Di<URL:>
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