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Re: [RFC] Debian@Turrican days 2010

René Moser:
> Hi
> We, the Linux User Group Bern [1] organize an annual weekend event
> during autumn called Turrican Days [2].
> The Turrican Days are those days when a few open source and technique
> interested people (leave their basements and) having a good time
> together.
> The range of our member's interests is quite large:
> Some people are coding, some others installing open source software on
> old hardware, some improving the wifi setup, some having other projects.
> Some people just talk and having a beer, cooking the meal for others or
> having a walk, taking a bath in the lake and mapping for Openstreetmap.
> You see, we just having a good time!
> So, we had the idea why not invite a community to share knowledge and
> time to improve open source software. And my first thought was the Swiss
> Debian community.
> This will happen from 3th - 5th of September 2010 in the little village
> Cudrefin VD [3] in a Pfadiheim "le moulin" [4].
> Location is sponsored by us! You just have the pay some bucks for the
> meals and drinking (was ~ CHF 50 per person the last years, also see
> announcement [5] of the last year)
> Tell us what you think about. I don't know if you regularly meet each
> other, but this event could good time point for this year.
> René Moser
> [1] http://www.lugbe.ch/
> [2] http://www.lugbe.ch/turrican-days/
> [3]
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=46.95&mlon=7.016667&zoom=12&layers=B000F
> TF [4] http://www.le-moulin.ch/
> [5] http://www.lugbe.ch/turrican-days/turricandays09.phtml
Hi René,

thank you once again for this nice invitation. It sounds like a lot of fun. 
Does some of you also bring their non-technical-interested partners with you? 
(Unfortunatly most often these tend to be women...)
Would it make sense, to invite my wife to come with me?

Best regards,

Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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