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Re: Between a rock & a hard place, need monolithic 2.4.2x kernel for sun4m

Eric Jorgensen wrote:

>    I also question the wisdom of requiring an initrd to boot with the
> sun4cdm kernel image. I am not aware of any sun4cdm machines (other than
> the javastations) that have a storage medium other than scsi that are
> supported by linux, and very few that have a scsi controller other than
> esp. And even then, there's only the pti scsi driver available.
>    Above and beyond that, between sunlance and hme i don't think it would
> make the kernel much bigger at all to cover the vast majority of built-in
> ethernet devices.

Agreed, I think that not putting SCSI drivers in the kernel for systems which
are so SCSI-oriented is simply perverse and it's all very well saying that the
initrd image can be loaded as a loopback device but this is nothing but hassle
when the initial /dev is empty.

There are going to be people using SPARCstations as an easy entry into the Sun
architecture for quite some while- people using machines thrown out of the
company's drawing office, who don't know where to buy kit cheaply. Since SPARC
is now left "flying the flag" for non-x86 architectures I don't think that
making life difficult for people running this sort of kit is productive.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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