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Re: Elite 3D color alteration.

I'm confused ... I should have RTFMed a lot more.
I've discover that mplayer provide an option to swap Red
and Blue.
I'm going to ask the mplayer team if the option could be enabled by
default for the elite 3d (is it reasonable ?) but by the way you can
specify the option :
mplayer -vf rgb2bgr=swap
(I hope this hint can save time for other people facing this issue)
I fear/'m pleased I have a lot more to learn concerning Linux and the
Sun hardware ;)
Thanks again.
kind regards,


David S. Miller wrote:

>From: Aurelien Larcher <aurelien.larcher@egim-mrs.fr>
>Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 14:42:43 +0200
>>indeed the colordepth doesn't matter (I tested from 8bits to 24bits)
>>and it seems that red and blue are swapped with mplayer.
>>with vlc colors are right but regarding the cpu load it seems that this
>>uses software rendering rather than my card.
>Yes, there is no hardware acceleration for movie rendering
>on the elite3d card.
>>What should I do ? Is there something I can change to correct the rgb
>>order ?
>>(Is that the "colormap" I found in the web ?)
>mplayer needs to have the bug fixed, that's all.

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