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Re: Sarge on a Sparc5

Unfortunately it gets as far as the busybox errors and that's it. I let it sit for 30 minutes...

Woody would seem to be the next obvious path but my floppy drive is busted. Does anyone have a boot CD image that has the Woody installer for SPARC? I checked the mirrors and all that are there are floppy images.

Many thanks for the quick responses from Robert and Jan!

Schaefer, Robert (PS) wrote:

I'm not sure about Sarge in particular, but I do know Debian runs fine on a
Sparc5, as I'm running it on my SparcStation5.  How long did you wait when
it put out the setting up filesystem message?  I get lots of Unimplemented
messages, but that doesn't usually stop things from working, you may just
have to be patient.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Nichols [mailto:eric@dirwiz.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:54 AM
To: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
Subject: Sarge on a Sparc5

I recently inherited a SparcStation 5 from a friend (96meg memory 2gig drive). I have a very old version of SuSE running on it with openldap and I wanted to experiment with debian. I tried loading woody by floppy but found the floppy drive is broken.

So I moved on and downloaded the latest cdrom-mini.iso (3/15/04) and started the install. I selected the boot install from the menu and watched it autodetect my hardware etc.

The entire install halted with the following lines:

Setting up filesystem please wait....
busybox[8]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
busybox[9]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
busybox[11]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
busybox[12]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
init[10]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
busybox[13]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188

Needless to say I'm stuck. Is there a parameter I need to put in before boot or will this work at all on this old box?
Many Thanks

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