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Re: Sarge on a Sparc5

On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 08:35:02AM -0400, Eric Nichols wrote:
> Unfortunately it gets as far as the busybox errors and that's it.  I let 
> it sit for 30 minutes...
> Woody would seem to be the next obvious path but my floppy drive is 
> busted.  Does anyone have a boot CD image that has the Woody installer 
> for SPARC?  I checked the mirrors and all that are there are floppy images.
Couldn't you try a net install?

I tried a net install with sarge last sunday on my blade 100. The net
install images didn't work (I believe I had the same error as you, but
I'm not sure, sorry).

Then I did a net install with woody and that went smooth. Upgraded to
sid as soon as possible though :-)


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