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Boot from CD is a no-go

Hello. I hope this is the correct list for this question, and that it is
not a FAQ. If it is, please point me to the proper spot in the archives.

I have 2.1 SPARC binary distribution CDs, made by downloading the CD
images and then burning them onto CD. I'm fairly certain this was done
properly. When I try to boot my SPARCstation ELC with the first CD, it
gets as far as initializing the RAM disk, at which point it fails with a
'Data Access Exception', and I get put back to the PROM prompt. The 16MB
of memory tests out okay (according to the SPARC's POST), and if it gets
this far, my non-Sun SCSI CD-ROM drive must be compatible and terminated

Is there anything I'm missing? Is this a common problem? Can anyone

Thanks in advance,
-- Chris :)

Christopher Reid Palmer : reid@pconline.com : http://innerfire.visi.com/

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