Re: Unidentified subject!
On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Alexey Pialkin wrote:
> Yesteday i'v installed Debian on my lovely SPARC Classic and during
> installation i have a bunch of problems :
> 0) fdisk
> 1) /dev/nfs
> 2) /dev/loop & MSDOS fs
> Yes,these problems are well known(& known for a long time), so may be it shoud
> be fixed in standard distribution ?
Before fixing things as the booting phase, we need a working
libc6... and it's not easy! But I hope I will have a modern one
working in one week or so.
> Now about packages. First of all - where shoud i get a most recently version
> of them ? As far I undestand this place is not :) just because
> i'v got some packages from it depending on libc6 and no libc6 at all :)).
Try `'.
> The second - what are needing/whanting packages ? I am ready to take care
> about some of them..
Well, all of them :) The best thing would be to start with
the required packages, then the important ones, and so on...
Thanks for your interest in Debian/Sparc!
Juan Cespedes
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