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Re: XML Catalog Policy Draft 1

Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org> writes:

> Terminology:    Root Catalog:      /etc/xml/xcatalog
> ============    -------------
>                 Package Catalogs:  /etc/xml/$package.xcat
>                 ----------------- 

I like this terminology better than what is in the current SGML

>                 Local Catalogs:    /usr/share/xml/DTD-DIR/catalog.xml
>                 ---------------

Will need to be revised as /usr/share/sgml/...

We can share the whole filesystem location under /usr/share/sgml with
the existing SGML policy stuff.

> Goals:   - Minimize catalog parsing: the only fully parsed catalog entry files
> ======     should only be the "Local Catalogs", i.e. those associated with a 
>            given dtd.

That's an advantage of XML catalogs.  Should mean the XML catalog
system is not subject to breaking if one broken catalog comes in.

>          - Allow for designation of xsl stylesheet shortcuts, e.g. the
>            capability to provide "db-chunk.xsl" as input to an XSLT processor,
>            rather than having to type
>            "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheets/nwalsh/html/chunk.xsl"

Herm.  I don't know if I would encourage this or not.  Why not go
further and say "provide compatability with other common locations"
(e.g., where redhat puts it).  I don't think we should necessarily
encourage documents that will only work on Debian, but rather focus on
make sure that documents done on RedHat/SUSE etc systems work in
Debian w/o adaptation.

> General Implementation Issues
> =============================
>   Root Catalog (/etc/xml/xcatalog)
>   ------------
>    Purpose:
>    The primary role of the Root Catalog is to delegate entity searches to the
>    appropriate Package Catalog (/etc/xml/$package.xcat). As such, it should only
>    contain <delegate* ...> elements: 
>      - delegatePublic, 
>      - delegateSystem, and 
>      - delegateURI.
>      [*Note: I'm not clear when to use delegateSystem (as opposed to
>       delegateURI) elements; aren't all system identifiers URIs?]

They just match in different ways.  delegateSystem does prefix
matching; delegateURI does normalized exact URI matching only.

>    Also, depending on how we (eventually:) add support for caching resources
>    fetched from the network, the Root Catalog may also contain a "nextCatalog"
>    element. [Else catalogs for cached resources can be constructed similarly to
>    packaged resources. But IMO that discussion should probably be put on hold
>    until we settle on the basics.]

Yes please.

>   <delegateSystem systemIdStartString="db-fo.xsl" catalog="docbook-xsl.xcat"/>

I think you want delegateURI unless you reall want prefix matching?
I'm pretty sure, no.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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