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Re: output-dir solved! Yes?

/ Bob Bernstein <poobah@ruptured-duck.com> was heard to say:
| in my source SGML, and 
| (define use-output-dir #t) 
| in my stylesheet driver file, I am once again back in business.

That might have fixed it, without the PI.

| One question remains: has this hassle been produced by a difference in DocBook
| 4.1 from 3.1, or by my ineptitude installing the latter?

Uh, I wouldn't blame it on ineptitude, but it had nothing in particular
to do with the changes to the DocBook DTD.

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Language is by its very nature a
http://nwalsh.com/            | communal thing; that is, it expresses
                              | never the exact thing but a
                              | compromise--that which is common to
                              | you, me, and everybody.--T. E. Hulme

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