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Re: Find installed contrib and non-free packages

Hi Martin,

"W. Martin Borgert" <debacle@debian.org> wrote:
>Good, because it will show other suspects as well. E.g. packages
>from non-Debian apt sources, which are also unsupported
>security-wise. I wonder how I can achieve the same using just
>apt-get/apt-cache? I remember, that I once wrote a script using
>python-apt to get this information, but the script is lost :~(

Maybe this snippet could help you as well.

awk '/^Package/ {
/^Section.*(contrib|non-free)/ {
  printf("%-20s - %-60s\n", $2, pkg)
}' /var/lib/dpkg/status | sort

[root@debian /root]# man real-life
No manual entry for real-life

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