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Re: [work] Integrity of Debian packages

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 02:09:02PM -0500, Gary MacDougall wrote:
> hometown (Boston). They were carrying people, just like you and I and
> up until 30 seconds before the disaster, we had no reason to believe
> that the flight was hostile (other than the sporadic communication of
> the poor folks on the plan using their cell phones).

I wouldn't be surprised if that is what they are telling you on TV.  I
think that if you do a little research you will find that the FAA knew
long before any of the planes hit their targets that there was something
seriously wrong.  They also had and have "standing orders" in place for
what to do in just such a situation.  
> Let's face it, the original thread mentioned the FBI and CIA snooping 
> and gaining information
> about us and being "big brother" ala 1984.  I don't fear that at all, I 
> feel confident.knowing that
> there is an organization trying to stop terrorists, bad guys or 
> whatever.  If it takes me giving up
> some of my freedom's knowing my children will be safe -- so be it.

Since you seem to feel that somehow the Founding Father's principles no
longer apply in today's world, allow me to quote someone from the
twentieth century.

"...the essence of war, of all wars, because however ''just'' or
''humanitarian'' may be the claims, at the irreducible core of all war
is the slaughter of the innocent, organized by national leaders,
accompanied by lies."

-- Howard Zinn, 1999

Leaders lie.  It is that simple.  The Founding Fathers understood well
that "power corrupts" and that power must be distributed and have a
series of "checks and balances" in place to limit the power of any
central authority.  They also understood that in the end the
responsibility of freedom was in the hands of the people.

"If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization,
it expects what never was and never will be... if we are to guard
against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every
American to be informed."
    -- Thomas Jefferson 

> We're paying right now by letting some of the little things of our 
> Freedom go.  It's a small price
> to know when I wake up everyday, I can still be "free" to do what I 
> enjoy doing, live where I
> want, vote for who I want etc.

You can never be free by allowing your freedoms to be taken away. 
September 11th was a wake up call for most Americans.  The rest of the
world has been dealing with this sort of terror for a long time.  Yes,
the world is a scary place.  Yes, the events of September 11th were very
tragic and painful.

I have no intention or belief that I can change anyone's opinion.  All
that I am asking is for you to consider what is happening in our country
and to seek information from sources other than your TV.  The Internet
is a wonderful source for those with powers of ratiocination.  For the
first time in history the people of the world have the ability to speak
directly to one another without an interceding publisher, priest,
politician, or any other authority.  I believe that if you allow
yourself to entertain the idea that your leaders are not serving you or
your fellow citizen's best interests you may find that they have and are
continuing to lie to you.



Ted Parvu <ted@parvu.net>					http://parvu.net

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