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Re: Quality of security assurance with Debian vs. RedHat vs. SuSE

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On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 10:01:39PM -0500, Brad B wrote:
> The wise man chooses what he is best at maintaining".  A default potato2.2
> install makes for a stable and secure server for just about anyting right
> out of the box.  But with the ease of apt-get/dpkg and security.debian.org I
> feel confident running woody3.0 on all of my servers.  (7 machines on my
> home/business network)  The latest software releases combined with generally
> prompt security updates and my own hardening techniques makes for just about
> anything/everything I could ask for in an operating system.  

Careful ... as I understand it, Woody does _NOT_ get security updates.  If there is a
security fix it gets posted to Sid, and after 2 weeks of non-critical bugs it migrates
into testing/Woody.  If you are depending on security.debian.org for Woody
security updates, be wary.  I believe I have seen Wichert Akkerman state on
this mailing list that he is currently using the Woody section of
security.debian.org to do some testing for the future.

happy hacking,

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