Re: DD ping [Brutespray]
Hello Stéphane,
> Upstream was kind enough to push another release 1.6.8 so I wasn't sure if I had to keep version 1.6.7 in the changelog file.
> I finally decided to update the above fields for version 1.6.8, but I'm not sure so tell me if I was wrong.
You did the right thing, we only need to keep the changelog entry if
an upload was made. Some people like to keep the release field of the
changelog as "UNRELEASED" until right before the upload to denote
that, while I rather check the tag to see if there was an upload as
changing to UNRELEASED->unstable would require an extra commit just
for that.
> Thank you for all these clarifications. I think this new v1.6.8 fix now that ambiguity properly.
That's correct, and it was fixed in the best possible way.
> I can see another lintian warning "changelog-should-not-mention-nmu", should I remove the Uploaders line in d/control ?
I see that you solved that by changing your name in d/changelog but I
do believe you want to change the entry in d/control instead. Just
consider that you can chose how your name/email is written and
d/control, you also control how it gets automatically written to
d/changelog[0] and you need to make those two matches because
otherwise our tooling will not recognize the upload as being made from
either the maintainer or the uploader (in our case it would need to be
marked as team upload). Now, with this in mind, consider which is the
way you want to have that written and put your tooling[0] and
d/control in sync and you will never again have this issue. The
developers reference has some good explanations about NMU and Team
Uploads in case you're not aware of it yet[1].
> I also added a quick test (brutespray -h)
That's a nice addition, I'd like to ask you to add the restriction
"superficial" to it, every test which uses only "-h" should have this
restriction, and if you find one without it, feel free to change it.
The "skippable" restriction can be removed in favor of "superficial".
For more info, you can refer to the docs at [2].
The rest of the package is all fine, so as soon as you update the test
(and change your name in d/control, if you decide to follow that way)
I will do the upload.
Thanks for your work :)
[0] You can add this to your bashrc and gbp/dch will pick it up:
DEBEMAIL="your email address"
DEBFULLNAME="your name"
Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
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