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Science Subgroups [was Re: Debian Math Team]

* Ole Streicher <olebole@debian.org> [2021-11-02 08:04]:
Instead, I would suggest to keep (and improve) the Science Team policy,
and then to have a *tiny* Math team policy, which could just be a
5..10-liner, like

| We inherit the Science Team policy, except:
| * The maintainer field should be set to
|   "Debian Math Team <team+math@tracker.debian.org>".
| * The VCS location is in the Salsa namespace
|   https://salsa.debian.org/math-team/

As one of the "instigators" of the new Debian Robotics Team, I like
this idea very much and we will adopt it, too.

Jochen and I also discussed that we would like to consider the
Robotics Team more of a subgroup of the Science Team rather than a
completely independent team. Like the Math Team, we are mostly
looking to improve the outside visibility of our field and attract
more collaboration. (Personally, I also like the convenience of the
dedicated package overviews on the PTS and DDPO pages).

This means we will allow Team Uploads from Science Team members (and
I'll add the Science Team as member to our Salsa namespace to
reflect that); of course, we encourage regular contributors to
directly join our team, so we have a better idea who is interested
in the continued work on robotics-related packages.

Maybe this concept might also work for the Math Team and other
science-related groups?


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⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   │ Timo Röhling                                       │
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