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Re: Packaging xsimd

Le 22/04/2021 à 12:45, Drew Parsons a écrit :
On 2021-04-22 12:09, Julien Lamy wrote:

Not really. Upload for packages which are not in testing can be done, and accpeted. New packages targeting unstable is absolutely OK. It's just that they won't migrate to testing until bullseye is out. That said, I'll happily sponsor you an upload (I hope the build is extremely resource consuming)

Good to know. I've run salsa-ci on Gitlab.com and everything comes out
OK. If the package looks good to you, I'd welcome the sponsored
upload; the package being a header-only C++ library, the build should
take less than a minute.

Thanks Julien.

It's good to run the tests (which might make the build a little longer, depending on the tests).

Tests can run in two modes:  build-time, and debci (autopkgtest)  (after installation and separate from building, testing the headers as installed).

debci is triggered by setting up debian/tests, which might launch the tests.

xtensor gives an example of how to set up tests for a header-only package. Both xtensor and xsimd have the BUILD_TESTS option in CMakeFiles.txt.

Build-time tests, if they're not already run, could be triggered (via override_dh_auto_test in debian/rules, for instance), but adding the BUILD_TESTS option to the cmake configuration might be enough for build-time tests.

I've followed what you did in xtensor: I've added autopkgtest and changed the name of the package from libxsimd-dev to xsimd-dev to match xtensor and xtl.

Thanks for the pointer to xtensor.

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