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Re: ROS: catkin and ROS_PACKAGE_PATH


On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 07:01:09AM +0200, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:
> I bet it is libroslib-dev version 1.14.3-1 where upstream introduced the
> ros_environment package. Can you test if downgrading roslib or adding
> ros_environment to your catkin_ws solves it?

i've done that: downgraded to libroslib*-1.14.2-1 and also python-roslib

The ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is set after sourcing devel/setup.bash again.

I also checked every other version up to 1.14.4-2. And it still works!

This is a mess, i'm sorry. I think some packages have not been upgraded when
i was switching to unstable. In fact i think i had a good mix of testing
and unstable packages on my system.

But now i run into other problems:

When i recompiled my bigger workspaces (ros-desktop, moveit) suddenly cmake
doesn't find all include directories (e.g Eigen and OGRE) anymore.

For libeigen i could add ${EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIRS} to include_dirs() but for OGRE
this doesn't work.

And i think it's not right, since these packages are used elsewhere. It unlikely
that they miss important entries in there package.xml or CMakeLists.txt.

I've made a test with a small package: rviz_visual_tools

$ rosinstall_generator rviz_visual_tools  --rosdistro melodic --exclude RPP --exclude-path /usr/share --deps --wet-only > test.rosinstall
$ wstool init -j 8 src test.rosinstall
$ catkin_make
[ 45%] Building CXX object rviz_visual_tools/CMakeFiles/rviz_visual_tools_gui.dir/src/key_tool.cpp.o
/home/jkur/ros-rviz/src/rviz_visual_tools/src/key_tool.cpp:30:10: fatal error: OgreRay.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
 #include <OgreRay.h>
compilation terminated.

$ ls -l /usr/include/OGRE/*Ray.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4614 Dez  1  2013 /usr/include/OGRE/OgreRay.h

I'm fairly sure this compiled before without problems.

Can this be related to the upstream changes in the catkin/roslib packages?


Jörg (j@corsario.org)
GPG-ID: 0xFAE26711E6EBF94D
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